Using a limited palette of titanium white, burnt sienna and french ultramarine blue, attempted to take progress shots during the course of the painting. However, doing so, I think it disrupted my momentum and concentration, thus the end result isn't quite satisfying.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
oil on board, 5 x 7 Limited palette of titanium white, yellow ochre, venetian red, and paynes gray
It has been so long since I used a pencil of any kind, I feel that I lost the ability to control the pencil strokes. The strokes doesn't seem to want to go the way I want it to. Guess it is telling me that I need to start doing pencil sketches again.
OPEN Acrlyic on gessoed YUPO synthetic paper, 4 x 5
Another attempt using Golden OPENs, using YUPO synthetic paper as the support with 4 thin coats of gesso. What surprised me was that the paper did not warp or curl.