Friday, July 30, 2010


Soft pastel sketch of another Concept Art Forum member. Done on illustration board coated w/ gesso and aluminum oxide mixture, 7.5 x 10.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Giving digital painting another go

While I always had the hardware and software to paint digitally, I never seem to be able to get accustomed to it. Playing around with it today, I think I finally starting to get it. While the details aren't great nor is the color but it shows some progress considering the last time I used it was about 2 years ago. This little sketch was done with Painter X.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Quickl sketch of zephyri, another member at the ConceptArt forum. The ref image was of her attending Dragoncon a few years ago, posted by her.

Soft pastel on Mi Tientes, 13 x 10

A charcoal pencil sketch of Bob the Cat, a pet of one of the members at the ConceptArt Forum, though I forgot to note who.